Here's another one the "Fair and Balanced" Foxes of Yahoo Sports refuse to publish! My banned comments appear in Bold, after the comments that inspired it (in proper order):
Victoria: Was does Yahoo permit such nastiness on their comments. It was obvious, yahoo stopped all comments during the US Open because of the Williams sisters. Why do you allow people to viciously attack Maria and others when the commenters don't seem to care about the sport, but only to diminish a woman's character and ability.
I watched the match and both players were playing well. At the time of the real injury, Maria was on serve and leading 40-15 when she twisted her ankle as she came down from the serve. Most of the negative commenters probably don't really play tennis, but get some perverse satisfaction from demeaning others especially the women tennis players.
Me (OneWiseWoman): Victoria, I agree some of the remarks against Sharapova are mean & unfair, but they still aren't comparable to the dehumanising garbage that certain creatures keep posting about the Williams Sisters! Even under articles that bear no mention of Venus or Serena, they've been called gorillas, men in drag, ugly ghetto-trash etc.! Their parents have often gratuitously been humiliated & some losers have openly expressed wishes for severe injuries and even the deaths of Serena & Venus! Besides, it's not solely against the women; young, successful & attractive male stars like Rafa & Nole have been subjected to ridiculous accusations of steroid use & of faking injuries too.
Boowhooo: IMO, It's not a ridiculous accusation of "steroid" use and faking injuries.... It's a very reasonable assumption/conjecture when someone out of nowhere all the sudden is overly amazing. Sports just doesn't work like this. It's the same reason people assume Lance Armstrong is a cheat (which btw isn't ridiculous to assume he cheated)... Yet Marion/Lance never failed a test. Yet we later get info that suggests or out right proved they cheated.... Was it "ridiculous" conjecture? I think it's a bit gossipy yes. If you believe in the integrity of sport, you need to always question things like this. Or just be status quo and believe the sport is clean. I for one don't believe for a second that the tennis tour is clean (it may not be overly rampant, that part I can't determine). No sport is unscathed by drugs and PEDs, and tennis will eventually be shown to be no exception.
We don't need to discuss faking injuries, because it happens.
As much as people love to put verbal insults to V&S as somehow special (aka racism victim) as opposed to anyone else being victimized verbally is somehow "better" or "aren't comparable". I think you need to reassess your thinking on this matter. Flamers/Haters/Detractors or whatever you want to call them, will use whatever words/phrases that they know will get a rise outta people. With V&S it's "gorilla/men/etc..." with sharapova it's other terms typically that's she a dumb blonde good for "doing".... The bottom line is, both insults are equally degrading and classifying one as somehow worse, is what I find ridiculous. There are no "special victims" as neither are acceptable behaviors. And after the US Open and Serena's own words, she needs no defense as she's guilty or racist behavior herself.
Here's The One By Me (OneWiseWoman) That's Apparently Too Controversial To Be Published:
Neither Rafa nor Nole came "out of nowhere all the sudden" as you put it! They were both young, talented & ambitious players who worked very hard to reach such heights of glory! There's just as much reason to suspect Roger Federer of taking unfair advantage as there is to point fingers at Nadal or Djokovic! Lance Armstrong??!! Everybody around him (friend & foe) is accusing him of taking steroids; a lot of his teammates claimed to have taken PEDs with him! Nobody's said anything of the kind against Nole or Rafa! If there's reason enough to accuse these 2 young tennis stars, then NBA's Dirk Nowitzki should be penalised immediately! In a physically demanding sport like NBA basketball, the generally soft German put up his career-best performances at the ripe old age of 33!!!! What could be more suspicious?! Of course, taking steroids as well as faking injuries happen, but to constantly accuse people without an iota of evidence against them is jealous & juvenile behaviour!
As regards the criticism against the women, calling a woman a dumb blonde & calling 2 sisters male gorillas with huge penises aren't one and the same thing! Serena's behaviour is often very rude, but racism?! When has she said anything against anybody's race? If she had called the Asian lady she had screamed at a couple of years ago a gook, or had referred to the white lady she fought with earlier his year a cracker/honky, then I would've concurred with your charge of racism against her! Her rude behaviour is a nasty habit she unfortunately shares with a whole lot of white male tennis legends like John McEnroe, Jimmy Connors, Andre Agassi etc., and more recently with Andy Roddick & his "I don't speak French, dumbass!"-buddy Mardy Fish! There's no doubt about the fact that the vicious insults hurled at the Williams Sisters are racially-motivated!