This is a trend I've noticed in Yahoo. Whenever there is any gender-related article, they merrily allow men to post all kinds of rude and crude "jokes" about women in their Comments sections. However, every time I try to publish a remark/reply under Comments, even mildly mocking men, it is promptly rejected!
Here's the latest example: The web site address of the article in discussion (Mystery Man Spells Out Heartbreak on His Van):
The story is about a man posting the following message on a side of his van in a bid to win back his girlfriend:
"Linda, I'm sorry, I'm a fool and an idiot sometimes, I love you with all my heart, Please come home and put this right. We miss you!! I miss us. I want to grow old with you, Will you marry me?"
This is a copy of the comment I attempted, without success, to post on Yahoo:
Breaking News! Linda's response on the other side of the van:
"Bubba, I accept your apology. You are a fool and an idiot ALL THE TIME! Your cheating heart might "love" me in its own way, but I need a man with a Brain! I AM home far away from you, because this is where my heart is; besides, I can't "right" your "wrongs"! When you say "We Miss You", do you mean the whore I caught you with??!! When you add "I Miss Us" are you referring to a Menage a Trois??!! It's a scary thought that you might live to be an old man; if I spend any more time with you, I'll age 5 times faster than I normally would! Since you have popped the question, here's my answer: No Way In Hell!!!!"
What, pray tell, is so offensive about that??!! In comparison with some of the gross comments men regularly leave about women, this is peanuts!!!!