Help me out, please, women (and men) with functioning eyes and a brain!!!!
Have you guys seen the Dos Equis advertisements of "The Most Interesting Man In The World"? My gripe was: The male "title-holder" is a rather old man who is shown posing and flirting with women one-third his age! Can you imagine an ad about The Most Interesting Woman In The World featuring a white-haired woman well past her middle age, with young men in their late teens or early 20s hovering around her?!
A "genius" (probably an insecure old fart himself) who goes by the name of "Sailfan" has responded angrily to my post. His mind-boggling reply:
"@OneDumbWoman... They don't imply anything of the sort, the women could all easily be his daughter(s) that he happens to be out with. Only a mind such as yours takes everything to be sexist."
Please, pretty please, check out the Dos Equis ads in discussion and tell me that the scantily-clad young women seductively attempting to cling on to the Interesting Senior Citizen are his daughters!!!!
Unless Sugar-Daddy counts as genuine daddy, I think not!!!!