Monday, June 23, 2014

Yay! For Yahoo's Racism & Sexism!!!!

Hats Off To Yahoo in taking so much Pride in their Prejudice!!!!

They have cancelled my Yahoo account, which means that I no longer have access to my email account or my OneWiseWoman Yahoo profile! According to them, I might have made some derogatory comments which possibly offended certain sensitive (not to mention privileged!) Yahoo users. Needless to mention, these valued users happen to belong to a particular race! The members of this "entitled" race can freely post ugly comments about people blessed with melanin and even wish for their deaths, but the moment somebody possessing a healthy quantity of melanin so much as dares to respond in kind, they are to be treated as social outcasts!
Of course, it's a man's world too, hence the male of the species enjoy more "rights" than their female counterparts, who were created by God to be submissive and obedient!!!! 

Goodbye, Yahoo, The Taliban of the U.S.! Great job bearing the White Man's Burden in tirelessly putting the Darkies and the Broads in their places!!!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Return of Yahoo Sexism!!!!

Help me out, please, women (and men) with functioning eyes and a brain!!!!

Have you guys seen the Dos Equis advertisements of "The Most Interesting Man In The World"? My gripe was: The male "title-holder" is a rather old man who is shown posing and flirting with women one-third his age! Can you imagine an ad about The Most Interesting Woman In The World featuring a white-haired woman well past her middle age, with young men in their late teens or early 20s hovering around her?!

A "genius" (probably an insecure old fart himself) who goes by the name of "Sailfan" has responded angrily to my post. His mind-boggling reply:
"@OneDumbWoman... They don't imply anything of the sort, the women could all easily be his daughter(s) that he happens to be out with. Only a mind such as yours takes everything to be sexist."


Please, pretty please, check out the Dos Equis ads in discussion and tell me that the scantily-clad young women seductively attempting to cling on to the Interesting Senior Citizen are his daughters!!!!
Unless Sugar-Daddy counts as genuine daddy, I think not!!!!